Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Let's be honest: I've never been terribly interested in exercise. I see Facebook photos of friends running marathons and I shake my head asking wwwwwwhhhhyyyyyyyy. I mean I run, sometimes, but it's soooo boring. And I did yoga for awhile, but meh. I've been on a Tracy Anderson kick for a bit, but it sucks not being able to go to any classes. So when my very wise friend asked me join her in Pilates & Gyrotonic I thought, well {sigh} at least I'll have someone to talk to. And then I discovered: I LOVE it!

You see, we both live very glamorous lives of self-employment (aka poverty) and have rather flexible schedules. When we aren't creating beautiful, beautiful art we escape to Core Atlanta to get our Gyrotonic on.
No, that's not me. Obv.

What is Gyrotonic?
Gyrotonic is a series of circular and fluid exercises that work the entire body through muscular, skeletal, and cardiovascular stimulation. Accessing your accessory muscles to create a long, lean body.

Mostly we work on the Pulley Towers:

and we kind of look like this-

and this-
and soon this-
(photos courtesy of

Sometimes we work on the Gyrotonic Arch:

I haven't actually learned this one yet, but SOMEDAY!

It's a fun and challenging workout. Fast moving, once you learn the basics and how to position your body, and a favorite of golfers- as the circular movement opens up your hips and shoulders. 

I mean, Tiger Woods does Gyrotonic. 

Throw down that mic.


Check out a studio close to you and give it a go. I'm dragging my whole family in for classes, do the same with yours! 

Find classes near you at and if you're in Atlanta, come to Core.

Now I have to find a studio in London that won't bankrupt me. Wish me luck.


  1. LOVE THIS! Come check out KINESPIRIT if you are ever in NYC!

  2. Just the spirit to have with this beautiful work! You are more than welcome in California as well.

  3. Y si estás en Madrid, visita en pleno centro de Madrid!

    And if you are in Madrid-Spain, come visit at ( Gyrotonic(R) & Gyrokinesis(R) news, photos, videos, articles and more!)

  4. Si quieres practicar GYROTONIC® y GYROKINESIS®, Contáctanos..
    TRAINING STUDIO MADRID - Conde Orgaz - Tel : 917595253 - - Nathalie Longeville Pasquier Certified GYROTONIC® Pre Trainer & GYROKINESIS® Trainer - GYROTONIC® LEVEL 1 & 2 - Leg Ext. - GYROTONER® - JSB - Therapeutic Apl.
